Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Bible (Series)

Happy (much belated) New Year! I realize that I have not written anything since November, and my how time flies! During that time, I have had people ask, why have I not written anything in my blog and my response is simple " I have not been inspired". Those that know me well will tell you I don't write about experiences ( much less food) unless I feel they are worth writing about, and finally...... the series " The Bible" is that one!

When I first saw the preview on the History channel I admit I was not interested in seeing it because I figured if you have seen the Easter special "The 10 Commandments", you have seen it all. To my surprise, I was wrong! My friend kept telling me this series was something that I had to see and just to hear him speak about it reminded me of a reality TV show, because he was so excited to tell me about it. So, I indulged and began recording the series so I can see what all the talk was about. After watching the first episode, properly entitled " The Beginning", I was hooked!

For the first time, I was able to see one of my favorite stories in the bible about Abraham, a faithful servant of God, and by far one of the most blessed characters in the bible. For so long, I always wondered why there were never any pictures in the bible to help people visually grasp the great stories written by God's selected few. Thankfully, all that wondering has finally been put in the most simplest and accessible form, television!

To me watching The Bible is like watching an episode of Scandal ( I loovvvveeee Scandal), in that I can't watch Scandal when it first airs because the show is so intense and dramatic that I can't wait on commercials, this is the same with The Bible. The directors and producers of this series have done a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the stories and the many characters. Most of all, I applaud them for staying true to the story and casting diverse actors to play the roles.

In my humble opinion, this is the " life changing" experience of life changing experiences.  Therefore, I challenge you to take a break from your normal reality TV programs and take time to watch (and read) the most amazing story ever told!

Prepare to be inspired !