Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Return!

Helloooo............( in the echo voice). Is anyone out there.........…!! How I have missed you all!

It has been almost 5 years since I have written in this Blog and I must say that I miss it! Life has changed and life has change me and still is. I have been asked by numerous people when will I return to writing in my "Baby D"  blog and most importantly, "why have you stopped writing?" The short answer is life, and as you get older, it becomes more complicated and in some instances there is less time for fun (which is sad) and we forget about the basics and things that brought us joy, like writing in my journal or Blogging. Now days, everything is digital but for me there is something therapeutic about writing and reading the actual words. So...I am back and I have created a new blog, "Becoming Mina Nicole." 

In Becoming Mina Nicole, I hope to share more of my life because for some reason people seem to be interested in it, which means so much to me. As I become Mina Nicole, I hope to share more than just my love of food, but  also my love of life, travel, business, love , peace and anything else that comes along. I know there are millions of similar blogs out there and I am by no means an expert in any field, but I am an expert at being Mina Nicole.

I hope you will join me on this journey through this thing called life, but most of all I hope that I can help someone as I discover myself along the way.

Tune in at

Mina Nicole