Friday, July 29, 2011

Good or Bad?

This past weekend a friend and I ventured to one of my favorite places .....Cami Cakes Cupcakes!! As usual I went for the red velvet (which I crave and am in love with) and my second favorite , the strawberries and cream.... Yum! Then I decide to walk on the wild side and try a carrot cupcake. Needless to say, I walked out with four in total ( 2 red velvet).

Once I arrived home, I decided to save the carrot for last, which was my effort to build anticipation and pace myself. However, the anticipation got the best of me, I indulged! First by tasting the icing, which was pretty good then the cake which was good as well, but .... I started to compare it to my first love (red velvet) and it did not stand up.

So I asked myself, was this fair? Probably not, but I started to think about what I said in my first post " once you experience better it is hard to settle for something less because you will always compare the two" if you can. After considering this for a moment, I started to think that if experiencing something so great or life altering was a good or bad thing, because it can unknowingly rob you of enjoying something that could be enjoyable if you gave it a fair (key word) chance. What do you think?

Next time you are in the ATL or Jacksonville, check out:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Follow-up ~ Fine Wine

(Picture by

Hellooooo (echo voice) there! I hope everyone is doing well. Again, work has had me MIA, but what can you do? Although I have been missing I have not been short on experiences, just time. So, lets get to it!!! This past weekend a friend recommened my first (great) red wine experience and it was suprisingly delicious.

The red wine that I dare to share is Apothic Red.....mmmmmmm. At first I will admit that I was aprehensive and concerned that my face would tell the truth (if it was too bitter) before I could, but to my suprise it was a pleasant discovery. The taste was sweeter than I have ever tasted with a red wine but it still had a subtle taste of dryness, which was not too bad. Therefore, I am excited to share the experience and to happily proclaim that I have graduated (a little) to grown folks wine :).

More to come this weekend as I will be venturing out to try new wines at The Colors of Wine, in Atlanta !! I am sure after this venture I will have plenty to write about; however, I encourage you to continue to send me your suggestions.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fine Wine

Greetings! I truly hope that everyone is having a fantabolous 4th of July weekend! As you prepare to indulge (or if you already have) in the traditional 4th of July cookout, think of me as you do. I had my portion of cookouts on Saturday, and it was good! Needless to say I also had my share of ribs, chicken and peach cobbler to last me for a minute.

Also this weekend, I had a wine experience that is worth sharing, and I know my (white) wine
drinkers will appreciate this. The wine of mention is ....Bug Juice Moscato (2010) and boy is it good! For me, a good white wine is sweet and tastes of apples, peaches, grapes etc.. Furthermore, the smell of it creates a sweet and floral aroma in the glass. Then there is the taste, which can only be described as perfection, because it is soft, sweet and smooth; and dares to leave you with a memorable experience.....and this was that!

I will be the first to admit that I am still a "baby" when it comes to fine wine, but thankfully I have experienced wine drinkers that love wine and are willing to share their good finds. Now I will also admit that I am not a fan (yet) of reds but I am always open to trying new things ( if it is not bitter...eeewww). So, if you have any suggestions on great reds or whites please share!