Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Golden Voice

Happy Labor Day weekend to you all! I just finished reading one of the best books that I have read thus far in my life, "A Golden Voice......" by the now famous Ted Williams, who was homeless and later video taped on a street corner. Thanks to my favorite electronic device (my kindle) I have rediscovered my love for reading! Therefore, let me indulge you for a few with food for your mind :).

I first heard of this book when I was watching (of all things) Wendy Williams and Ted was on there talking about it. So, I researched and was pleased to see this book was rated very high based on reader reviews. This is not your everyday autobiograph and it is not a pity party for Ted but more so an appreciation for his journey , good and bad. The writing is superb as it reads like a novel and has flow as it takes you through his many (and there were many) ups and downs and chances at life. It details struggles, successes, failures, love, hopelessness but most of all the grace of God!

After it is all said and done this is one of the must purchase books. During this story I was inspired, encouraged and felt that I can do better as an individual, friend, sister , daughter and future wife and mother. In spite of his hard times he never changed who he was as a person and despite his failures , he tried and at the end of the day that is what life is.....a series of tries , some failures but never giving up. Even as he was smoking his drug of choice he acknowledged and gave thanks to God (crazy I know) and then went on to share with others who could not afford drugs (even crazier). However, through it all he never gave up rather he survived, and in all that he endured he finally got to a point that we all forget " acknowledge God in ALL our WAYS"!

I said all that to say, get back to the basics and pick-up this great book and be encouraged, because we all need it in some way or another.

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