Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Long Time Coming....

So....I have been telling people for the longest that I was going to start a foodie blog, and to my suprise friends and family agreed because of my love of "life changing" food. My love for food began while living in Arizona and greatly evolved during my transition to Atlanta, and since that time I have became known by some as "Baby D".

If you are a "Next Friday" fan you will know that Baby D was "the little sister that was bigger than the big sister" and she was known for knowing when all the new snacks came out (lol!), well that is me (the snacks part) in a nutshell. I am proud to say that among other things food and shoes are my passion and I love to share my "life changing" experiences/finds with friends, and now the world , so "get ready, get ready, get ready!!!" .

I promise to not disappoint.


  1. It's all good let God lead u an con't da good work,luv Ma,

  2. Throughout the years that I have known you, from being the unobtainable Golden-Child in high school and college to being the ever on-the-go agent, you never cease to amaze me. Keep enjoying and living life.

  3. Hey what's up n what's next ,waiting to indulge in some new foods,comin to Miami!!!!!!!!

  4. Love u woman of God keep up da great work!!!!!
