Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 2: A Scoop of Grits and an Earthquake now everyone has heard about the DC 5.8 earthquake on Tuesday (8/23/11) at 1:51 pm. This day and time will forever be etched in my life for two reasons : a scoop of crab grits and the earthquake.

In hindsight I realized that I was destined to be in DC to experience the quake, and as a result I realized I have experienced a few acts of nature such as a snowstorm, hurricane, tornado, sandstorm, monsoon and the most recent earthquake. During the mist of the later one, I was in training in a hotel basement ( 3 floors down) thinking "is this really what I think it is" or "is this a low flying plane or a bunch of people running upstairs" ( crazy, I know). Even worse, is this chandelier going to fall. Needless to say I was terrified but grateful that it was not worse.

Thinking back, one of the worst parts was not being able to talk to my mom, but I was able to text ( go AT&T!!!) to let people know I was alright ( thanks for the concern folks!!). An hour later things calmed down , the phone lines cleared up and all was well with the world (at least mine). However, as I reflect I realize that tomorrow or the next moment is not promised and we must enjoy today as if it is our last, and I'm proud to say that for the most part I do!!!

( Hotel evacuation after the earthquake)

On a lighter note, I had the opportunity to dine at BusBoys and Poets, which at best can be described as eclectic because of the food, bookstore, gift shop and open mic events they host. As usual I read the reviews and checked out the menu for my dinner adventure. After browsing the menu I decided on the crab cakes, crab grits (yes!!) and veggies. Now.....if you are like me, I prefer to have an even portion of grits to meat (I'm just saying...). Instead, when my plate arrived I had 2 crab cakes and a scoop of grits ...and my face and I said "WTH!!!"..... and I was not a happy camper ( yes, I was too upset and distracted to take a picture, sorry).

Finally, I expressed my displeasure to the waitress and she explained another scoop was extra ($5.95) and I explained to her that I wanted plain grits (no crab) and she said they only made them during the week with crab (again, WTH!!). Finally, I decided to let go of what I could not change, order a salad and enjoy my meal. Overall, the crab cakes and grits were excellent, just know to order an appetizer and/or salad first :). I will say by the time I walked the mile back to my hotel, I was hungry.

.....and there you have the tale of "a scoop of grits and an earthquake".

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