Monday, October 31, 2011

Ranch Pork Chops!!

Top of the day to everyone, did you miss me!? Well I missed Baby (D)eelicious and I have something tasty to share! I come to you with new findings for one of my favorite things in the world....Hidden Valley Ranch dressing! Yes, I am a ranch lover to a certain extent, lol! Those that know me call my ranch creations "science projects" because some of the things I put ranch on does not compute with everyone's taste buds, until they try it. As a ranch lover, I put ranch on french fries, veggies and chicken. However, I will not put ranch on a salad....ewww, crazy I know!

A few weeks ago, I was watching tv and saw a Hidden Valley commercial advertising their ranch powder dip and dressing and ranch pork chops.....mmmmm! Now, I will say that I am opposed to eating pork on a regular basis, but I will not pass up bacon (which I looooove) or a rib if it is put in front of me.....I'm just saying. However, years back I made the decision to stop cooking pork ( except bacon). Well, that all went out the window on this past Sunday because I dared to try ranch pork chops and man were they awesome and very tasty!!!

Initially I was concerned that the ranch powder might be overwhelming but I must say it was the perfect blend. I also must admit that these were by far the best pork chops that I have ever made and tasted, and I am proud to say that I made them. Along with the main attraction I made some roasted potatoes and carrots and they were great as well. I have heard that ranch (powder) on roasted potatoes is excellent but I was not ready to be that ranched out. However, it is something I will try on another occasion. If you dare to make them I suggest adding a little seasoning to the meat before adding the ranch topping.
Lastly, if you are a ranch lover, I suggest you try Wal-Mart's ranch chicken wings....just thinking about them brings back happy thoughts and taste!!

Enjoy and Happy Eating!!

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