Sunday, February 12, 2012

Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream....Fact or Fiction?

Greetings and Happy (Belated) New Year to All!!

I hope everyone is doing well. Yes, I am happy to be back , so let's get to it!

In my humble opinion, Publix premium ice cream is some of the best store brand ice cream I have ever tasted. Everytime I go into Publix I swing by the ice cream section to see if they have the infamous and rare Red Velvet Cake ice cream (Yes, ice cream!). Once you have a taste of it you will understand my obsession with it. Last year, I was informed that it is a "limited edition" ( if you will) and only comes out once a year. Unfortunately, I could never remember when that time was so I got in the habit of looking for it year round with hopes of seeing that red and pink container. A few weeks ago, my search paid off and I found it!!! Come to find out it only comes out in February in honor of Valentine's Day.....aaaaawwww!!

As usual during my unique discoveries  I send out a mass text message to my devoted followers and to people who at one point thought this ice cream was a figment of my imagination, just like the sweet potato cake .....mmmmm. The picture above is proof that it does indeed exist and might I add, worth the $4.98 you pay for it.

To describe Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream is like no other and it can only be described as what it is, red velvet cake ice cream. One scoop is like a party in your mouth because every bite is something different. This delicious concoction is made of chunks or red velvet cake ( yes!), pecans, butter cream icing and what I believe to be strawberry ice cream; and yes, it is as good as it sounds.

So......whenever you are in Publix stroll by the ice cream section and I promise you will not regret it or you might, because it is addicting!!

Happy Eating!!

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