Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Food Truck Friday

As I mentioned in the previous blog I have been in D.C. for the past month and I have had the opportunity to visit the monuments and a few of the Smithsonians , which are pretty cool and free :). I have also had the opportunity to dine out and try different things, but nothing really worth writing about. However, I have found culinary inspiration from what I have dubbed "Food Truck Fridays" . For the past few Fridays during lunch, I stop by the U.S. Department of Agriculture farmer's market  for some fresh kettle corn ( yum!) and then I walk over to the food trucks.....sigh!

The farmer's market and food trucks are a great conclusion to my week and this little outing allow me to enjoy the great weather, fresh  air ( from being inside all day) and the people. I love walking down the row as I look at what each truck has to offer for the day, and each truck is distinct in their cuisine and look, and I love it! The first week I tried the cheeseteak truck, which was pretty good and the second week I tried the Korean truck and got a bulgogi rice bowl ( Korean beef BBQ) and it was pretty good. I also enjoy watching the many people sitting on the grass and anywhere there is a seat hanging out and enjoying their lunch selection as well.


Each week I try to eat something different in an attempt to live outside of the box. This Friday, I am not sure what the selection of the day might be but I will be sure to let you know!

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