Friday, September 30, 2011

Mind & Body Day Spa (Alpharetta, GA)

( Picture from

Greetings Baby D lovers!! A few months ago I had the pleasure of buying a spa package from Groupon for Mind & Body Day Spa (MBDS), which turned out to be phenomenal and one of my best purchases from the popular site yet!!! I also had the pleasure of having a gentleman name "Javier" be my masseuse for the day. After it was said and done I had a 75 minute massage that left me feeling like jello, Javier had a nice tip and my life had been relaxed and changed....or so I thought.

Anyone that knows me knows I loooovvvveeee the spa!! I don't go as often as I would like but I definitely make a pilgrimage at least 5 times a year, one being on my birthday. If you have never been to a spa or have not had a professional massage I suggest you put that on your bucket list . For me, going to the spa is all about the expeirnece and atmosphere. Furthermore, and it is my opportunity to really relax, clear my mind, rejuvenate and walk around in a comfy robe while I get pampered....there is nothing like it.

So....last weekend my friend and I scored a deal that we could not pass up at MBDS. I knew the deal was for me because I had chills after reading it (no joke). The package we purchased was a 2 hour treatment for $149 per person and contained a 1) a full body exfoliation and steam, 2) a scalp massage (mmmmm) , 3) a deep tissue massage and 4) a hot stone foot massage (yes all that!!). Just thinking about it makes me feel relaxed :). After purchasing the deal, I immediately requested Javier and he did not disappoint. I believe finding a great masseuse is like finding a great beautician because you never have to worry that you will not be satisfied when you leave, its like they just know what you need and this is true of Javier. Therefore, considering the above 2 hour treatment and the services of Javier this particular visit was deemed " life changing" in my book.

First, the body exfoliating treatment was awesome!!!!! I was placed in this huge steam capsule thingy and scrubbed from head to toe , and boy did my skin feel nice and soft after. I will admit that I was a bit apprehensive at first because I thought this stranger would have to see all of my "goodies" but that was not the case, lol! After he explained the plan and process I was relieved but I had decided if he did, I was going to be a "big girl" and roll with it, lol!! The exfoliation and steam process continued for about two cycles and during the steam treatment I was given a scalp and shoulder massage, and this is an experience in itself. My friend described it best when she said " you have not lived until you have had someone else bathe/scrub you " and she was definitely correct because it was a different, but a great experience none the less.

Then there was the massage, which was great as usual but the hot stone foot massage sealed the deal. Hot stone massages are by far my favorite treatment and I highly recommend it because it is so soothing to feel the hot rocks on your is just divine!

So......if you are ever in Atlanta (or live in Atlanta) take a drive to Alpharetta and ladies be sure to ask for Javier!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Brick Street Cafe (Greenville, SC)

Greetings devoted followers, I am delighted to bring you another great find all the way from Greenville, SC! This weekend, I had the pleasure of visiting Greenville. I know you maybe thinking ......"what's in Greenville?", but if you have never been I suggest that you put in on your bucket list. Although, this was my third trip there I still get excited when I talk about my favorite part of the city, downtown Main St. The best word to describe it, is cute and quaint. Cute in that you can walk the strip to shop, eat or just enjoy the scenery and the beautiful tree lined streets. On any account, my reason for writing is inspired by my visit to the Brick Street Cafe and my encounter with the famous Miss Sue.


The Brick Street Cafe was recommended by a local older couple that described the restaurant, their infamous sweet potato pie cake and love muffin as "life changing" (no joke). After hearing my favorite phrase, I immediate knew where I wanted to go for lunch. After speaking with the couple for a few and learning that the restaurant's chef and matriarch is a older black woman named Miss Sue and the family that owns the restaurant basically allows Miss Sue to cook and run the restaurant. I was also surprised to learn that Miss Sue was the family's cook for years. Once I heard that I was even more intrigued to experience Miss Sue and the Brick Street Cafe....

I immediately Googled the restaurant and saw that it had 4 out of 5 stars and all the reviews were excellent. When I arrived at the cafe, I mistaking (but thankfully) entered through the banquet room entrance/bakery of the restaurant. Once I entered, I was greeted by the overwhelming smell of sugar and homemade cakes, and I honestly thought I was in my great-grandmother's kitchen. I eventually made my way upstairs and I was amazed at the ambiance and decor of the restaurant because it reminded me of pictures that I have seen of cafes in Paris. The main dinning area had individual rooms with different themes and various colors and customers are able to select any area to dine in, and I thought that was so cute. Then in the back of the restaurant I saw the cake display......sigh!

After deciding on the "Merry Christmas" room, I looked over the menu and immediately went to the desserts and everything looked great. A local couple nearby overheard my conversation about the love muffin and the unknown woman suggested I try Miss Sue's Chicken Salad, fruit and love muffin meal. She went on to say that the love muffin was "life changing" and she then went on to describe the taste and the muffin with so much passion that she began biting her hand, as if to say " it is that good".

Needless to say, I decided on Miss Sue's chicken salad sandwich, a love muffin and the bakery lady offered a piece of sweet potato pie cake.....and boy was it deelish! The cake was like a perfect blend of cake and sweet potato pie and it is by far the best cake creation (and cake) that I have everrrrrrrr tasted. Even the homemade butter cream icing was bliss and I am not a big fan of icing. Of course the love muffin and chicken salad sandwich was great, but that cake stole the show......mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! After I dined, I left there with a raspberry chocolate cake, sweet potato pie cake and a coconut cake....and everything was moist and a perfect blend of deliciousness.

Although the food and experience was excellent, I had the opportunity to meet and talk to Miss Sue and this was a priceless and blessed experience that I will never forget. If I did not know any better I would have thought she was a regular worker who was busing tables and minding her business.........but no, this is the person who's pictures are on the walls of the restaurant and for sale at the register, not to mention she is the creator of the delicious cakes and some of the menu items. According to Miss Sue , she is the only one that makes the chicken salad and sweet potato pie cake daily. She also told me that she raised 10 kids alone, loves to work and go to church and that God is her source. As she was talking I was praying that at 80 years old God blesses me with a life that I can be proud of, a constant zeal for life, the motivation to live and keep me in my right mind because Miss Sue exemplified all that and some, as well as the respect of everyone in that restaurant, and probably town. Miss Sue is what I call a DIVA in her own right, and she is most deserving of the honor that is displayed in the restaurant that she has created a name for.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cafe Intermezzo

Back in 2009, I was introduced to a sweet spot in Atlanta called Cafe Intermezzo. On this particular night, I recall leaving a jazz club with a few friends and craving dessert. One of the ladies I was with suggested this spot and mentioned that they stayed open late ( 2AM) and the atmosphere and desserts were great. True to her word, it was a great experience and I always remembered the little restaurant, with the great dessert display and smelled of sugar when you walked in ( that is when you know it is good!).

Strangely enough, on Friday, the scene played out the same when I was out with a few friends. After we enjoyed dinner, music and drinks we wanted to seal the night with dessert. Instantly, I though of and suggested Cafe Intermezzo, the group agreed and off we went. However, this time, my GPS led me to another location downtown that I was not familiar with but to my surprise the experience was the same from the ambiance to the welcoming smell of sugar and then..........the lovely display of cheesecakes and other desserts!!!!!

Instantly, I saw the Oreo cheesecake and as I walked by the counter to go to the restroom it said "hello" and I was sold! Call me crazy but I am a firm believer that some things speak to me ( especially food, shoes, clothes etc..) and it is just meant for me to have, especially when that happens. Needless to say, the waiter over heard my request and ordered my Oreo and a traditional strawberry cheesecake for my friend, which she was eating and moaning at the same time....too funny!

People that know me well will tell you that I looooooooove (really, love) The Cheesecake Factory and that my favorite cheesecake is the sneakers, but the Oreo is a close second. However...........I dare to say that Cafe Intermezzo has some of the best restaurant cheesecake that I have every tasted  (even better than Junior's in NYC....sorry but true) and it is so smooth and rich, so much so that I could only eat half.

Thankfully the night and the experience was nice and we had the pleasure of sitting outside and enjoying our davine cheesecake experience. So, the next time you are in ATL or Charlotte, be sure to stop by for a late night snack at Cafe Intermezzo. Ohhhh.....they also have a full restaurant menu that looks pretty good, but as of now I cannot comment on indulgence at a time....gotta try and keep it sexy!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Champagne Life"

Living the "Champagne Life".......I am sure you have heard the song or expression. Personally, I love the song by Neo because it has a great feel/beat to it and it talks about enjoying life to the fullest and just doing the damn thing regardless of what people say. One verse in particular defines a good time as " a nice meal and a good wine" and this is where my inspiration comes from this fine beautiful and relaxing Labor Day weekend.

Thursday night held true to Neo's definition and it helped me remember that its the simple things in life that make me smile and feel good.  So, on this night I made ( yes, I cook folks!!) bourbon salmon, red beans and rice, and asparagus. Then to seal the deal, I paired dinner with a glass of Saint'Evasio Moscato D'Asti (2010) and..... OMG.....I was in heaven!!!! Anyone that knows me can agree that I am a very modest person but I had to give myself a high-five for this meal because I had to profess out loud "man this is good".

Meal Details:
In case you were wondering, the salmon was purchased from Publix and the guy at the seafood section did not lie when he said that the bourbon (pre-seasoned) salmon was one of their best sellers. He also said that people get angry when they do not have it and I can honestly see why. The seasoning was perfect and the salmon was fresh, which is a given for Publix. The asparagus was also great because instead of just sauteing it in butter, I added a little orange juice (yes) because it creates a nice caramelized finish, and of course some salt and pepper and.......mmmmmm!! The red beans and rice are pretty easy as well, but it was like that night everything was just great......or was I just hungry? Either way, it was an experience.

Now the wine.......Moscato D'Asti DOCG deserves its own entry but I will include it here because it sealed the meal thanks to its perfect combination of sweet fruit, smooth taste and a little bubble of champagne; and the bottle is very grown and sexy. I know I said the Moscato Bug Juice (See "Fine Wine" entry) was good but this stuff is great!! I remember asking the clerk at the wine store for a suggestion and he suggested the D'Asti and he was right on the money. We will see what other inspirations come to me this weekend by way of cookouts and seafood boils.

Happy Labor Day and happy eating!!!!!!!!!