Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Champagne Life"

Living the "Champagne Life".......I am sure you have heard the song or expression. Personally, I love the song by Neo because it has a great feel/beat to it and it talks about enjoying life to the fullest and just doing the damn thing regardless of what people say. One verse in particular defines a good time as " a nice meal and a good wine" and this is where my inspiration comes from this fine beautiful and relaxing Labor Day weekend.

Thursday night held true to Neo's definition and it helped me remember that its the simple things in life that make me smile and feel good.  So, on this night I made ( yes, I cook folks!!) bourbon salmon, red beans and rice, and asparagus. Then to seal the deal, I paired dinner with a glass of Saint'Evasio Moscato D'Asti (2010) and..... OMG.....I was in heaven!!!! Anyone that knows me can agree that I am a very modest person but I had to give myself a high-five for this meal because I had to profess out loud "man this is good".

Meal Details:
In case you were wondering, the salmon was purchased from Publix and the guy at the seafood section did not lie when he said that the bourbon (pre-seasoned) salmon was one of their best sellers. He also said that people get angry when they do not have it and I can honestly see why. The seasoning was perfect and the salmon was fresh, which is a given for Publix. The asparagus was also great because instead of just sauteing it in butter, I added a little orange juice (yes) because it creates a nice caramelized finish, and of course some salt and pepper and.......mmmmmm!! The red beans and rice are pretty easy as well, but it was like that night everything was just great......or was I just hungry? Either way, it was an experience.

Now the wine.......Moscato D'Asti DOCG deserves its own entry but I will include it here because it sealed the meal thanks to its perfect combination of sweet fruit, smooth taste and a little bubble of champagne; and the bottle is very grown and sexy. I know I said the Moscato Bug Juice (See "Fine Wine" entry) was good but this stuff is great!! I remember asking the clerk at the wine store for a suggestion and he suggested the D'Asti and he was right on the money. We will see what other inspirations come to me this weekend by way of cookouts and seafood boils.

Happy Labor Day and happy eating!!!!!!!!!

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