Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Power of "Thank You"

Greetings all! Tonight in most churches is Wednesday night bible study and at my church we talked about "Honor"; and after listening to the pastor speak about the subject I was inspired to write. Not only was I inspired to write but I began to reflect on the few people in my life that I would actually consider honoring. These are a select group of people and it is meant to be that way for a reason.....

The  people that I consider honorable are people that I am thankful and grateful for on a daily basis. These are the "depositors" in my life and by that I mean that they usually leave me with something. This something could be an actual two-way conversation ( which people do not have any more), encouragement, a token of appreciation, a gift, inspiration, a real " how are you doing" or someone that listens. Whereas the other folks I encounter during the day or week fall into the "takers" category. These are the people that always call you with drama, talk about themselves, always need something and/or always complaining about everything.....I mean everyday cannot be a bad day.

Therefore, I was inspired by my pastor's words to let the people that are near and dear to my heart know that I honor them and I am grateful, blessed and thankful to have them in my life. Sometime, we tend to forget the simple power of "thank you" and " I appreciate you". Too often we are wrapped up in our own drama to take time out to ask someone  "how is your day?" or "how are you doing?". These simple words have power. I have a friend that calls just to say! What I love most about that is she asks, " so, how are you really doing?" and sadly I have to stop and think because very few people ask me that and actaully care and listen.

Keeping it short, honestly ask yourself, am I a depositor or a taker? Either way you answer I challenge you to make a deposit in someone's life by honoring them with a simple word or a card (not a text message). I also challenge you to not always be a taker but evolve into making more deposits in people's life and just watch how your life begins to turn around.

In closing, I honor my faithful followers and thank you for continuing to have interest in my words and experiences.

Be Blessed!!

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