Thursday, December 22, 2011


As we come to the end of yet another year we begin to reflect on the things that are important to us. We start to look back to ensure that we have made some kind of progress in life; and we ensure that we stop and say "thank you" .

Since the end of 2010, my pastor, Glenn B. Allen Sr. has proclaimed that  2011 will be the year to "recover all"......and thankfully for me it has been, and I am still recovering!! I hope that this has been the case for many of you out there and if not, I proclaim that 2012 will be your year of "more". This more can be anything that you want and need it to be and I honestly believe that if we agree then it shall be.

During this time, people are normally running around at the malls and spending money on gifts and other items that they probably cannot afford, but they feel entitled to purchase out of tradition. To each his own, but I just hope that in the mist of the "Christmas Madness" that people stop and think about what is important to them.

This year my list is very short and surprisingly it does not consist of  the latest electronics or other material things but rather the free things in life that many seem to go, peace and joy. These are the things  I honestly wish for everyone that takes the time to read this blog and anyone that I truly consider family and friends. I hope this Christmas season and upcoming new year is filled with all of the above and "more"!

I can truly say that in 2011, my life has been changed in more ways than one. I have truly been blessed in several areas of my life and God continues to keep my name on His blessings list. So, with that said, be blessed and have a Merry Christmas and a safe and blessed New Year!!!

Be Blessed!

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