Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Priorities and Progress

A few nights ago I was unable to sleep and anyone that knows me know, I love to sleep and usually do not have any problems falling a sleep, which is considered a gift by some :). However, on this particular night, I was up all night and I finally gave up the fight, got out of bed, and went in the living room to watch tv at 2:00 a.m., on a week night. Yes, it was bad....sigh.

During this time, I began watching TD Jakes and he was talking about "The Power of A Thought". Needless to say, this was exactly what I needed and wanted to hear because at this moment I realized I had no peace. Over the last few years, I realized that peace is a precious gift that was given by the Man above to everyone, but sadly everyone does not posses it; thankfully, I do! Unfortunately, on this night it was gone!

Listening to TD Jakes I realized what I already knew, that my mind was restless. I realized once I got my mind settled, I would be alright and sure enough I was. During this time,  I also began to think about my priorities in life and if these priorities (or the lack there of) are causing me stress...and unconsiously they were. So, after listening to TD Jakes I made a personal decision to re-establish my priorities during this season in my life and to "keep the main thing, the main thing".

Another lesson learned was that everyone's thoughts and priorities are not like yours. What is your priority, is not necessarily another person's priority and this is something that I must continue to understand in this life.

Lastly, it is important to know what progress have been made with these priorities. Any progress is good progress ( in my eyes) because this means that you are no longer in the position you were in previously, no matter how big or small. Therefore, I ask you, what are your life priorities in this season? Furthermore,  what progress have you made in those areas? Also, what is your measuring stick for such progress?

Just some food for thought.....

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