Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cafe Intermezzo

Back in 2009, I was introduced to a sweet spot in Atlanta called Cafe Intermezzo. On this particular night, I recall leaving a jazz club with a few friends and craving dessert. One of the ladies I was with suggested this spot and mentioned that they stayed open late ( 2AM) and the atmosphere and desserts were great. True to her word, it was a great experience and I always remembered the little restaurant, with the great dessert display and smelled of sugar when you walked in ( that is when you know it is good!).

Strangely enough, on Friday, the scene played out the same when I was out with a few friends. After we enjoyed dinner, music and drinks we wanted to seal the night with dessert. Instantly, I though of and suggested Cafe Intermezzo, the group agreed and off we went. However, this time, my GPS led me to another location downtown that I was not familiar with but to my surprise the experience was the same from the ambiance to the welcoming smell of sugar and then..........the lovely display of cheesecakes and other desserts!!!!!

Instantly, I saw the Oreo cheesecake and as I walked by the counter to go to the restroom it said "hello" and I was sold! Call me crazy but I am a firm believer that some things speak to me ( especially food, shoes, clothes etc..) and it is just meant for me to have, especially when that happens. Needless to say, the waiter over heard my request and ordered my Oreo and a traditional strawberry cheesecake for my friend, which she was eating and moaning at the same time....too funny!

People that know me well will tell you that I looooooooove (really, love) The Cheesecake Factory and that my favorite cheesecake is the sneakers, but the Oreo is a close second. However...........I dare to say that Cafe Intermezzo has some of the best restaurant cheesecake that I have every tasted  (even better than Junior's in NYC....sorry but true) and it is so smooth and rich, so much so that I could only eat half.

Thankfully the night and the experience was nice and we had the pleasure of sitting outside and enjoying our davine cheesecake experience. So, the next time you are in ATL or Charlotte, be sure to stop by for a late night snack at Cafe Intermezzo. Ohhhh.....they also have a full restaurant menu that looks pretty good, but as of now I cannot comment on indulgence at a time....gotta try and keep it sexy!!

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