Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Grand Canyon

Greetings dear followers and Happy Tuesday! I just returned from an amazing mini-vacation that spanned my old stomping grounds in Arizona. However, on this trip I ventured to parts unknown to me during my 6 year stay in Tucson, AZ. During my 5 day trip, I was reminded that sometimes you have to go back to appreciate what you once had. Over the next two blogs I will tell and show you some of the beauty I discovered in Arizona but I think this is something you must see for yourself.

My trip began with a flight to Phoenix, which is always breath taking because you can see the changes in the country's landscape from green to the formation of brownish mountains (awesome!). A little word to the wise if you decided to visit one day, the best time to go to AZ is between October and early May, anything after that it is hotter than hell, lol! Anyway, once arriving, the weather was beautiful, the sun was out and the view was perfect to see the mountains in the distant.

After my one night stay in Phoenix, I drove to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. The 4 hour drive up is so scenic that it looks like a beautifully painted picture as you climb from 1000 elevation to over 7000 elevation up the  side of a mountain. Of course, as you climb the temperature begins to drop and everything turns green and it starts to fill like you are not in Arizona. It was so cool that I had to purchase extra clothing, which was a life saver!

Once I arrived and entered the National Park I saw what could only be described as breath taking. So much so that I cannot find the words to describe what I saw and the only words come to mind are "natural beauty" and "God's awesomeness". Seeing what most people merely describe as "a big hole in the ground" made me wonder, how can a person see just that? When I took the below pictures I got chills. These chills were not from the cold weather but from the vast beauty that was in front of me. At every lookout point I saw something different in the form, color and depth of the canyon. Two of the coolest and unique experiences during my trip was being able to sit on the edge of one of the cliffs while I snacked on a luncahble  and watched my feet dangle below; and the second was looking at birds fly beneath me while I was 7000 + feet above sea level.

During this time all I could do was just sit there and say a silent prayer thanking God that my eyes had the opportunity to finally see one of the 7 great wonders of the world. In short, this is a summary of my first experience at the Grand Canyon. Sad to say I lived in AZ for 6 years and never took the time or opportunity to appreciate what the state had to offer but now I am proud to say that I did, better late then never. That box has been checked!!

To be continued.........

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