Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sedona, AZ

The adventure continues.....! Following my Grand Canyon experience and scenic drive back down the mountain, I decided to follow the GPS to Sedona, AZ and take the scenic route rather than the interstate, which proved to be a wise choice and breath taking experience none the less.

While driving down AZ 89A I experienced a vast change in the environment and mountains. The mountains went from their regular brownish/tan color to a beautiful red rock formation, something that I have never seen in my life. I thought the Grand Canyon was something to see but Sedona is something else to see as well. Thankfully, the drive was a means to getting back to Phoenix and the detour was not so bad. Again, another life lesson came back to me that sometimes we rush through life/things and do not appreciate the journey.

Well, on this day I took the journey back down the mountain and I must admit, it was a little nerve wrecking trying to look at the scenery and drive down the mountain and around the curves, lol ! During the drive, I saw the most unique pull-out spots like a water fall and a small river bed that cars were crossing to make it to a wooded picnic area. Then there was the Sliding Rock National Park that I would have loved to spend the day at. Again, the weather was beautiful and the scenery was something that you would have had to see for yourself.

During my Sedona visit, I was told  " you must go and see the church on the hill!". So, I am thinking to myself, okay.....I will go and see the church on the hill. Considering it was Easter weekend and I was not going to be in church I figured why not. Come to find out, this was another unforgettable experience that I will never forget. The Chapel of the Holy Cross was once a catholic church that has since been turned into a popular tourist and meditation site. While at the church, I had the opportunity to admire its beauty from outside and within. Inside is a sanctuary where visitors have the chance to sit, pray and reflect on whatever they are feeling at the moment and that is as simple as it gets. Of course some will say "it's just a church" but in my opinion it is one of the most amazing structures that I have ever seen (yes, I took these pictures!).

Now, Sedona itself is a cute little town that is hidden amidst the red rocks of Arizona. On this Saturday, the weather was perfect and it was a great opportunity to walk around, visit the art galleries and sip wine in  a restaurant garden.

So, when you decide to visit the Grand Canyon, be sure to take some time to stop by Sedona to see "the church" and admire the natural beauty of the red rocks. I learned this weekend, that sometimes doing the unpopular thing can be one of the most life changing experiences that you will ever have!

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