Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 1: The Verdict

Greetings!! Did you miss me???!! Well I missed you! As I mentioned, last week I had the pleasure of traveling to the great city of Washington, DC. During the week I had a few experiences that will be broken up in several blogs. This entry can be considered "Day 1" and the others will follow in that order.

On Monday, I had the pleasure of dinning at Founding Farmers restaurant, which is an upscale farm to table kind of place. With that said, everything ( and I mean everything) is made from scratch and the difference is very noticeable and worth the wait, experience and price. Other than the rude host, the food and service was excellent.

(Picture from

My dinner selection consisted of chicken, waffles , mac and cheese, asparagus and homemade lemonade....deelish! Even the ketchup was made from scratch, and it was good. While waiting on my food, like most people, I like looking around to see what other people are ordering so I can get ideas for next time.... and to my surprise, everything looked great! The best part after dinner was I did not feel "nasty" and full after I ate, which was a good thing because my group and I walked about 2 miles to Georgetown to partake in the infamous "DC" or Georgetown Cupcake.

If you are a TLC fan, you have seen the show and the loooooong line to get one. So at 8:45pm (they close at 9:00pm), we dared to stand in line to sample what some call the best cupcake in town. Of course I instantly thought about Cami Cakes! Once I got in the door I placed an order for red velvet and a chocolate coconut. Now, I will say the coconut was different but pretty good and very moist. The red velvet was good as well.....but head for head Cami Cakes has a better red velvet and overall technique to cooking their cupcake. However, I dare to say by the never ending line of people ( including tourist from all over) that DC Cupcakes could be one of the best in DC.... But as you know my heart and appetite has been stolen by the one and only....Cami Cakes!!!! The hunt continues.....

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