Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Greetings from the LBC, where the weather is perfect and the atmosphere is relaxed and tropical. This week I am reporting from a women's leadership conference, which is where my inspiration hales from this evening.

As I mentioned in the first post I intend for this blog to be a place to share my experiences that I think are "life changing" and thus are deemed worth sharing. The first of which was a banana nut muffin that I had at the Hilton Hotel that was by far the best muffin that I recall having, and the experience was like a "party in your mouth"! Reading this you may say "seriously, a muffin?" and I say yes! The two people that I had try it agreeded and even went back for their own! Needless to say, I will be eating muffins until Friday, lol!

Moving on to my true reason for writing tonight, which happens to be one of the best seminars/presentations that I have attended thus far. The speaker was Janine Driver , motivational speaker and author of "You Say More Than You Think", and she was phenomenal! Janine's presentation was focused on identifying and improving body language but by the end of the seminar you were more inspired than anything. What made this 3hr (with no breaks) presentation "life changing" was her art of presenting. Not only was she engaging, creative, energetic, humorus and knowledgable,she was also real. Real in a sense that she shared intimate details of her life and experiences that we all could identify with in one way
or another. Experiences that we have encountered during our life journey such as a child with special needs, being a female in the work place, family drama or being faced with the reality of a loved one having cancer. If I do not remember anything else from Janine's presentation I will take the three most important things with me that made all the difference and they are:

1) Live to influence someone's life so that if they wrote a book they would put your name in it, rather than you being a name that is not worth mentioning.
2)You can change you/your life by changing the things around you and how you view certain situatons.
3)Know what your intentions are in life.

So, I ask you, what are those things you need to change?What are your intentions?

Until next time....


  1. Sounds like you're finding more meaning in the simple things. Lou Holtz, famous football coach and motivational speaker, sums his success in these 3 principles:

    1) Do what is right.
    2) Do your best.
    3) Treat people fairly.

    So muffin or not, and I too love banana nut bread/muffins, I find one common idea in both Holtz' and Driver's principles, "take ownership and take actions." Thanks for sharing.

  2. This has been my journey as well, thanks for sharing. A muffin? I understand it reminds me of blueberry muffin at Walgreens! Lol :-)

    Thanks for sharing...

    Speak to Your Future and Watch It Speak BACK!
