Friday, June 24, 2011


Grettings once more. I am happy to report that I will be eastbound shortly; and as happy as I am to get back to what is familiar, I begin to silently think of my experiences and encounters this week. This week's conference and mini vacation came as another opportunity to see something different but ended up being something needed and beyond my expectations. I am sure you can relate, and if you can, you will know these are the moments/opportunities that you were meant, even destined, to experience.

For example, the insightful conversations that I shared with a newly found mentor about life, my career and desire to do and be more than what I currently am. During the moments between lunch and dinner we talked, shared, and enjoyed the much needed break from reality. Next there was the "unicorn" that I met that was an inspiration and encouragement from "hello". For those that are not familiar with unicorns, these are the mythical creatures that you have heard about or even saw pictures of but often wondered if they existed, until you see one for yourself and then you are in awe, in this case that rare person, place or thing. Many single women and men can identify when you meet a person of the other sex 25 or older with no kids and never married, lol! Well, this was me when I saw a high ranking female (young and black)in my organization and the moment quickly became empowering and hopeful.

Lastly, there was the overall conference experience and the opportunity to experience something that was well attened and organized, from the workshops to evening events, just awesome!

So, as I prepare to board the plane to travel home, I put Long Beach,CA on my list of places to visit again and wait until the next adventure and time to meet and share.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Baby D , Dr. Walden here, so blessed to hear you made it thru ur week of travel n food tastn with great joy. It was a pleasure 4 many 2 have u in MIA were great food is all around I'll ask bout da turkey to c if he's still n business when u come again, proud of u keep up da great work ,love u!!!!!!!!!!!
