Friday, July 29, 2011

Good or Bad?

This past weekend a friend and I ventured to one of my favorite places .....Cami Cakes Cupcakes!! As usual I went for the red velvet (which I crave and am in love with) and my second favorite , the strawberries and cream.... Yum! Then I decide to walk on the wild side and try a carrot cupcake. Needless to say, I walked out with four in total ( 2 red velvet).

Once I arrived home, I decided to save the carrot for last, which was my effort to build anticipation and pace myself. However, the anticipation got the best of me, I indulged! First by tasting the icing, which was pretty good then the cake which was good as well, but .... I started to compare it to my first love (red velvet) and it did not stand up.

So I asked myself, was this fair? Probably not, but I started to think about what I said in my first post " once you experience better it is hard to settle for something less because you will always compare the two" if you can. After considering this for a moment, I started to think that if experiencing something so great or life altering was a good or bad thing, because it can unknowingly rob you of enjoying something that could be enjoyable if you gave it a fair (key word) chance. What do you think?

Next time you are in the ATL or Jacksonville, check out:

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion you should not constantly go through life constantly comparing, things, people or experiences. In some cases it is good, but potentially it could turn into a self-hindering practice. In order to fully enjoy variety you have to allow your experiences to exist in it's own space. Cami Cakes carrot cupcake's goal is not to taste better than the red velvet cupcake. The carrot cupcake's goal is to taste better than all the other competitor's carrot cupcakes, so if a lover of red velvet cupcakes decides to have carrot for a day you know Cami Cakes have the best carrot cupcake
    around. Understanding that every experience is not going to be life changing allows you to fully appreciate what it has to offer and if in the process it does change your life that is a bonus.
