As we come to the end of yet another year we begin to reflect on the things that are important to us. We start to look back to ensure that we have made some kind of progress in life; and we ensure that we stop and say "thank you" .
Since the end of 2010, my pastor, Glenn B. Allen Sr. has proclaimed that 2011 will be the year to "recover all"......and thankfully for me it has been, and I am still recovering!! I hope that this has been the case for many of you out there and if not, I proclaim that 2012 will be your year of "more". This more can be anything that you want and need it to be and I honestly believe that if we agree then it shall be.
During this time, people are normally running around at the malls and spending money on gifts and other items that they probably cannot afford, but they feel entitled to purchase out of tradition. To each his own, but I just hope that in the mist of the "Christmas Madness" that people stop and think about what is important to them.
This year my list is very short and surprisingly it does not consist of the latest electronics or other material things but rather the free things in life that many seem to go, peace and joy. These are the things I honestly wish for everyone that takes the time to read this blog and anyone that I truly consider family and friends. I hope this Christmas season and upcoming new year is filled with all of the above and "more"!
I can truly say that in 2011, my life has been changed in more ways than one. I have truly been blessed in several areas of my life and God continues to keep my name on His blessings list. So, with that said, be blessed and have a Merry Christmas and a safe and blessed New Year!!!
Be Blessed!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Cupcake Moscato!!
Greetings and Happy Holidays!! I hope everyone is wrapping up their holiday shopping and preparing to spend time with family and friends. On this cold Atlanta day, I bring you another great find and a potential Christmas gift for a fellow wine lover. The wine of the day is Cupcake Moscato D'Asti , which entered my life last month when I made a trip back to the Brick Street Cafe, in Greenville, S.C. The wine was a suggestion by the waiter and he swore that it was something that I had to try. So, I did.....
.....and when I did, I instantly loved it! The memory of my first taste came back when I opened a bottle for dinner last night and yet again, it reminded me of the Moscato D'Asti that I wrote about awhile back (9/3/11) but minus the champagne bubble/ taste. Instead it is a smooth taste of sweetness with the added smell of soft fresh fruits, which I love. The best part is the cost is just under $11.00!! So, if you are stuck on gift ideas ( for me :-D) or that special friend I would suggest a bottle (or a case) of Cupcake Moscato or other assorted wines.
Happy Sipping and Happy Holidays!!!
.....and when I did, I instantly loved it! The memory of my first taste came back when I opened a bottle for dinner last night and yet again, it reminded me of the Moscato D'Asti that I wrote about awhile back (9/3/11) but minus the champagne bubble/ taste. Instead it is a smooth taste of sweetness with the added smell of soft fresh fruits, which I love. The best part is the cost is just under $11.00!! So, if you are stuck on gift ideas ( for me :-D) or that special friend I would suggest a bottle (or a case) of Cupcake Moscato or other assorted wines.
Happy Sipping and Happy Holidays!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Great Garcias !!
Good morning! Since posting the previous post about "Stadium Diner" and their Garcias I have received a few comments and text messages regarding the deliciousness ( is that a word?) of the great Garcia smoked beef sausage......mmmmmm. To understand the desire, obsession and unique taste of Garcias you must 1) be from Miami and/or 2) have tasted one. In my humble opinion, Garcias are a class of sausage that stands on its own and anyone from Miami that has grown up on them will agree. Garcias come in several varieties such as pork and beef, hot and smoked beef. My favorite of the three is the smoked beef.
I cannot remember the first time I had a "Garcia" ,as they are known, but I do recall the versatility of them. Growing up, they were the go to meat for breakfast, lunch, dinner or for a go between snack , and they still are! I loved them with white bread, boiled and then lightly fried in the pan or split. As I grew up, I evolved to cooking them on the George Foreman grill and this took them to an entirely new level. Then my mom cooked them for dinner with Zataran's Jambalaya rice and it was good! However, the fact still remains that Garcias are by far my favorite sausage.
I remember when I lived in Arizona I would have my visiting family and friends bring me some from Miami, lol! I would still have to do the same when I move to Atlanta because at the time they did not sale them here. Until one faithful day, a fellow Miamian saw that distinct green and white box in Publix and when she called me with excitement and told me about her discovery she and I both were overly excited. Ever since then, I pick up a box for an in between snack or a breakfast favorite.
Most recently, I let a friend try one and he loooooooved them! I know people that do not eat red meat but they will kill a box of Garcias and would not feel bad about it. If you are from Georgia, you may prefer the Georgia sausage but once you have a Garcia your life will never be the same because the desire will always be there for a taste of what comes in the green and white box.
So, if you have never tried a Garcia and they sale them in your area I encourage you to try one. If you need cooking tips, feel free to drop me a line and I will be more than glad to assit.
Try a box and enjoy!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Stadium Diner (Miami)
Greetings all! I hope that everyone is doing well and that you are starting to get into the holiday spirit! This past Veteran's Day weekend, I had the pleasure of traveling to the MIA for a wedding on 11-11-11, which turned out to be pretty nice. Also, during my brief stay, I had the pleasure of having breakfast at the Stadium Diner ( on 199th and 441) and it was a suprisingly great experience!
Strangely enough, in my 22 years of being a Miami resident I have never noticed the diner at this particular location. Mainly because Miami mostly consist of chain restaurants and during my younger years ( pre-Waffle House) I ate at the usual spots......Denny's and IHOP ; however, at this stage in life these are the two places I NEVER go to because they do not use real eggs (sorry folks) and according to my friends, I am an egg snob and I am proud of it !! So, in the absence of my preferred Atlanta breakfast spots (The Flying Boscuit) I love and prefer the Waffle House or the "truck stop" as some call it, lol!
On this particular breakfast date, I suggested the Stadium Diner because I wanted something different and Denny's was the only other option. To my surprise the food was excellent! The eggs were light, cheesy and fluffy, and the french toast was by far the best that I have had in a loooooong time. The best part is that they have Garcia's (sausage for the none Miami folks) on the menu!!! When I placed my order the waitress asked did I want it split, and I excitedly replied "yes!" because I was too excited they were an option.
Needless to say, the experience was great and I encourage the Miamians to try it out. However, I would caution you that their grits are NOT the best because you have to really "work" on them and after all that, there still seemed to be no hope (yes, I am a grit snob too). Other than that, the prices are right and the crowd is not overwhelming.
If you know of any great breakfast spots in Dade or Broward tell!
Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving !!
Strangely enough, in my 22 years of being a Miami resident I have never noticed the diner at this particular location. Mainly because Miami mostly consist of chain restaurants and during my younger years ( pre-Waffle House) I ate at the usual spots......Denny's and IHOP ; however, at this stage in life these are the two places I NEVER go to because they do not use real eggs (sorry folks) and according to my friends, I am an egg snob and I am proud of it !! So, in the absence of my preferred Atlanta breakfast spots (The Flying Boscuit) I love and prefer the Waffle House or the "truck stop" as some call it, lol!
On this particular breakfast date, I suggested the Stadium Diner because I wanted something different and Denny's was the only other option. To my surprise the food was excellent! The eggs were light, cheesy and fluffy, and the french toast was by far the best that I have had in a loooooong time. The best part is that they have Garcia's (sausage for the none Miami folks) on the menu!!! When I placed my order the waitress asked did I want it split, and I excitedly replied "yes!" because I was too excited they were an option.
Needless to say, the experience was great and I encourage the Miamians to try it out. However, I would caution you that their grits are NOT the best because you have to really "work" on them and after all that, there still seemed to be no hope (yes, I am a grit snob too). Other than that, the prices are right and the crowd is not overwhelming.
If you know of any great breakfast spots in Dade or Broward tell!
Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving !!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Ranch Pork Chops!!
Top of the day to everyone, did you miss me!? Well I missed Baby (D)eelicious and I have something tasty to share! I come to you with new findings for one of my favorite things in the world....Hidden Valley Ranch dressing! Yes, I am a ranch lover to a certain extent, lol! Those that know me call my ranch creations "science projects" because some of the things I put ranch on does not compute with everyone's taste buds, until they try it. As a ranch lover, I put ranch on french fries, veggies and chicken. However, I will not put ranch on a salad....ewww, crazy I know!
A few weeks ago, I was watching tv and saw a Hidden Valley commercial advertising their ranch powder dip and dressing and ranch pork chops.....mmmmm! Now, I will say that I am opposed to eating pork on a regular basis, but I will not pass up bacon (which I looooove) or a rib if it is put in front of me.....I'm just saying. However, years back I made the decision to stop cooking pork ( except bacon). Well, that all went out the window on this past Sunday because I dared to try ranch pork chops and man were they awesome and very tasty!!!
Initially I was concerned that the ranch powder might be overwhelming but I must say it was the perfect blend. I also must admit that these were by far the best pork chops that I have ever made and tasted, and I am proud to say that I made them. Along with the main attraction I made some roasted potatoes and carrots and they were great as well. I have heard that ranch (powder) on roasted potatoes is excellent but I was not ready to be that ranched out. However, it is something I will try on another occasion. If you dare to make them I suggest adding a little seasoning to the meat before adding the ranch topping.
Lastly, if you are a ranch lover, I suggest you try Wal-Mart's ranch chicken wings....just thinking about them brings back happy thoughts and taste!!
Enjoy and Happy Eating!!
A few weeks ago, I was watching tv and saw a Hidden Valley commercial advertising their ranch powder dip and dressing and ranch pork chops.....mmmmm! Now, I will say that I am opposed to eating pork on a regular basis, but I will not pass up bacon (which I looooove) or a rib if it is put in front of me.....I'm just saying. However, years back I made the decision to stop cooking pork ( except bacon). Well, that all went out the window on this past Sunday because I dared to try ranch pork chops and man were they awesome and very tasty!!!
Initially I was concerned that the ranch powder might be overwhelming but I must say it was the perfect blend. I also must admit that these were by far the best pork chops that I have ever made and tasted, and I am proud to say that I made them. Along with the main attraction I made some roasted potatoes and carrots and they were great as well. I have heard that ranch (powder) on roasted potatoes is excellent but I was not ready to be that ranched out. However, it is something I will try on another occasion. If you dare to make them I suggest adding a little seasoning to the meat before adding the ranch topping.
Lastly, if you are a ranch lover, I suggest you try Wal-Mart's ranch chicken wings....just thinking about them brings back happy thoughts and taste!!
Enjoy and Happy Eating!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Power of "Thank You"
Greetings all! Tonight in most churches is Wednesday night bible study and at my church we talked about "Honor"; and after listening to the pastor speak about the subject I was inspired to write. Not only was I inspired to write but I began to reflect on the few people in my life that I would actually consider honoring. These are a select group of people and it is meant to be that way for a reason.....
The people that I consider honorable are people that I am thankful and grateful for on a daily basis. These are the "depositors" in my life and by that I mean that they usually leave me with something. This something could be an actual two-way conversation ( which people do not have any more), encouragement, a token of appreciation, a gift, inspiration, a real " how are you doing" or someone that listens. Whereas the other folks I encounter during the day or week fall into the "takers" category. These are the people that always call you with drama, talk about themselves, always need something and/or always complaining about everything.....I mean everyday cannot be a bad day.
Therefore, I was inspired by my pastor's words to let the people that are near and dear to my heart know that I honor them and I am grateful, blessed and thankful to have them in my life. Sometime, we tend to forget the simple power of "thank you" and " I appreciate you". Too often we are wrapped up in our own drama to take time out to ask someone "how is your day?" or "how are you doing?". These simple words have power. I have a friend that calls just to say! What I love most about that is she asks, " so, how are you really doing?" and sadly I have to stop and think because very few people ask me that and actaully care and listen.
Keeping it short, honestly ask yourself, am I a depositor or a taker? Either way you answer I challenge you to make a deposit in someone's life by honoring them with a simple word or a card (not a text message). I also challenge you to not always be a taker but evolve into making more deposits in people's life and just watch how your life begins to turn around.
In closing, I honor my faithful followers and thank you for continuing to have interest in my words and experiences.
Be Blessed!!
The people that I consider honorable are people that I am thankful and grateful for on a daily basis. These are the "depositors" in my life and by that I mean that they usually leave me with something. This something could be an actual two-way conversation ( which people do not have any more), encouragement, a token of appreciation, a gift, inspiration, a real " how are you doing" or someone that listens. Whereas the other folks I encounter during the day or week fall into the "takers" category. These are the people that always call you with drama, talk about themselves, always need something and/or always complaining about everything.....I mean everyday cannot be a bad day.
Therefore, I was inspired by my pastor's words to let the people that are near and dear to my heart know that I honor them and I am grateful, blessed and thankful to have them in my life. Sometime, we tend to forget the simple power of "thank you" and " I appreciate you". Too often we are wrapped up in our own drama to take time out to ask someone "how is your day?" or "how are you doing?". These simple words have power. I have a friend that calls just to say! What I love most about that is she asks, " so, how are you really doing?" and sadly I have to stop and think because very few people ask me that and actaully care and listen.
Keeping it short, honestly ask yourself, am I a depositor or a taker? Either way you answer I challenge you to make a deposit in someone's life by honoring them with a simple word or a card (not a text message). I also challenge you to not always be a taker but evolve into making more deposits in people's life and just watch how your life begins to turn around.
In closing, I honor my faithful followers and thank you for continuing to have interest in my words and experiences.
Be Blessed!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Mind & Body Day Spa (Alpharetta, GA)
( Picture from
Greetings Baby D lovers!! A few months ago I had the pleasure of buying a spa package from Groupon for Mind & Body Day Spa (MBDS), which turned out to be phenomenal and one of my best purchases from the popular site yet!!! I also had the pleasure of having a gentleman name "Javier" be my masseuse for the day. After it was said and done I had a 75 minute massage that left me feeling like jello, Javier had a nice tip and my life had been relaxed and changed....or so I thought.
Anyone that knows me knows I loooovvvveeee the spa!! I don't go as often as I would like but I definitely make a pilgrimage at least 5 times a year, one being on my birthday. If you have never been to a spa or have not had a professional massage I suggest you put that on your bucket list . For me, going to the spa is all about the expeirnece and atmosphere. Furthermore, and it is my opportunity to really relax, clear my mind, rejuvenate and walk around in a comfy robe while I get pampered....there is nothing like it.
So....last weekend my friend and I scored a deal that we could not pass up at MBDS. I knew the deal was for me because I had chills after reading it (no joke). The package we purchased was a 2 hour treatment for $149 per person and contained a 1) a full body exfoliation and steam, 2) a scalp massage (mmmmm) , 3) a deep tissue massage and 4) a hot stone foot massage (yes all that!!). Just thinking about it makes me feel relaxed :). After purchasing the deal, I immediately requested Javier and he did not disappoint. I believe finding a great masseuse is like finding a great beautician because you never have to worry that you will not be satisfied when you leave, its like they just know what you need and this is true of Javier. Therefore, considering the above 2 hour treatment and the services of Javier this particular visit was deemed " life changing" in my book.
First, the body exfoliating treatment was awesome!!!!! I was placed in this huge steam capsule thingy and scrubbed from head to toe , and boy did my skin feel nice and soft after. I will admit that I was a bit apprehensive at first because I thought this stranger would have to see all of my "goodies" but that was not the case, lol! After he explained the plan and process I was relieved but I had decided if he did, I was going to be a "big girl" and roll with it, lol!! The exfoliation and steam process continued for about two cycles and during the steam treatment I was given a scalp and shoulder massage, and this is an experience in itself. My friend described it best when she said " you have not lived until you have had someone else bathe/scrub you " and she was definitely correct because it was a different, but a great experience none the less.
Then there was the massage, which was great as usual but the hot stone foot massage sealed the deal. Hot stone massages are by far my favorite treatment and I highly recommend it because it is so soothing to feel the hot rocks on your is just divine!
So......if you are ever in Atlanta (or live in Atlanta) take a drive to Alpharetta and ladies be sure to ask for Javier!!!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Brick Street Cafe (Greenville, SC)
Greetings devoted followers, I am delighted to bring you another great find all the way from Greenville, SC! This weekend, I had the pleasure of visiting Greenville. I know you maybe thinking ......"what's in Greenville?", but if you have never been I suggest that you put in on your bucket list. Although, this was my third trip there I still get excited when I talk about my favorite part of the city, downtown Main St. The best word to describe it, is cute and quaint. Cute in that you can walk the strip to shop, eat or just enjoy the scenery and the beautiful tree lined streets. On any account, my reason for writing is inspired by my visit to the Brick Street Cafe and my encounter with the famous Miss Sue.
The Brick Street Cafe was recommended by a local older couple that described the restaurant, their infamous sweet potato pie cake and love muffin as "life changing" (no joke). After hearing my favorite phrase, I immediate knew where I wanted to go for lunch. After speaking with the couple for a few and learning that the restaurant's chef and matriarch is a older black woman named Miss Sue and the family that owns the restaurant basically allows Miss Sue to cook and run the restaurant. I was also surprised to learn that Miss Sue was the family's cook for years. Once I heard that I was even more intrigued to experience Miss Sue and the Brick Street Cafe....
I immediately Googled the restaurant and saw that it had 4 out of 5 stars and all the reviews were excellent. When I arrived at the cafe, I mistaking (but thankfully) entered through the banquet room entrance/bakery of the restaurant. Once I entered, I was greeted by the overwhelming smell of sugar and homemade cakes, and I honestly thought I was in my great-grandmother's kitchen. I eventually made my way upstairs and I was amazed at the ambiance and decor of the restaurant because it reminded me of pictures that I have seen of cafes in Paris. The main dinning area had individual rooms with different themes and various colors and customers are able to select any area to dine in, and I thought that was so cute. Then in the back of the restaurant I saw the cake display......sigh!
After deciding on the "Merry Christmas" room, I looked over the menu and immediately went to the desserts and everything looked great. A local couple nearby overheard my conversation about the love muffin and the unknown woman suggested I try Miss Sue's Chicken Salad, fruit and love muffin meal. She went on to say that the love muffin was "life changing" and she then went on to describe the taste and the muffin with so much passion that she began biting her hand, as if to say " it is that good".
Needless to say, I decided on Miss Sue's chicken salad sandwich, a love muffin and the bakery lady offered a piece of sweet potato pie cake.....and boy was it deelish! The cake was like a perfect blend of cake and sweet potato pie and it is by far the best cake creation (and cake) that I have everrrrrrrr tasted. Even the homemade butter cream icing was bliss and I am not a big fan of icing. Of course the love muffin and chicken salad sandwich was great, but that cake stole the show......mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! After I dined, I left there with a raspberry chocolate cake, sweet potato pie cake and a coconut cake....and everything was moist and a perfect blend of deliciousness.
Although the food and experience was excellent, I had the opportunity to meet and talk to Miss Sue and this was a priceless and blessed experience that I will never forget. If I did not know any better I would have thought she was a regular worker who was busing tables and minding her business.........but no, this is the person who's pictures are on the walls of the restaurant and for sale at the register, not to mention she is the creator of the delicious cakes and some of the menu items. According to Miss Sue , she is the only one that makes the chicken salad and sweet potato pie cake daily. She also told me that she raised 10 kids alone, loves to work and go to church and that God is her source. As she was talking I was praying that at 80 years old God blesses me with a life that I can be proud of, a constant zeal for life, the motivation to live and keep me in my right mind because Miss Sue exemplified all that and some, as well as the respect of everyone in that restaurant, and probably town. Miss Sue is what I call a DIVA in her own right, and she is most deserving of the honor that is displayed in the restaurant that she has created a name for.
The Brick Street Cafe was recommended by a local older couple that described the restaurant, their infamous sweet potato pie cake and love muffin as "life changing" (no joke). After hearing my favorite phrase, I immediate knew where I wanted to go for lunch. After speaking with the couple for a few and learning that the restaurant's chef and matriarch is a older black woman named Miss Sue and the family that owns the restaurant basically allows Miss Sue to cook and run the restaurant. I was also surprised to learn that Miss Sue was the family's cook for years. Once I heard that I was even more intrigued to experience Miss Sue and the Brick Street Cafe....
I immediately Googled the restaurant and saw that it had 4 out of 5 stars and all the reviews were excellent. When I arrived at the cafe, I mistaking (but thankfully) entered through the banquet room entrance/bakery of the restaurant. Once I entered, I was greeted by the overwhelming smell of sugar and homemade cakes, and I honestly thought I was in my great-grandmother's kitchen. I eventually made my way upstairs and I was amazed at the ambiance and decor of the restaurant because it reminded me of pictures that I have seen of cafes in Paris. The main dinning area had individual rooms with different themes and various colors and customers are able to select any area to dine in, and I thought that was so cute. Then in the back of the restaurant I saw the cake display......sigh!
After deciding on the "Merry Christmas" room, I looked over the menu and immediately went to the desserts and everything looked great. A local couple nearby overheard my conversation about the love muffin and the unknown woman suggested I try Miss Sue's Chicken Salad, fruit and love muffin meal. She went on to say that the love muffin was "life changing" and she then went on to describe the taste and the muffin with so much passion that she began biting her hand, as if to say " it is that good".
Needless to say, I decided on Miss Sue's chicken salad sandwich, a love muffin and the bakery lady offered a piece of sweet potato pie cake.....and boy was it deelish! The cake was like a perfect blend of cake and sweet potato pie and it is by far the best cake creation (and cake) that I have everrrrrrrr tasted. Even the homemade butter cream icing was bliss and I am not a big fan of icing. Of course the love muffin and chicken salad sandwich was great, but that cake stole the show......mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! After I dined, I left there with a raspberry chocolate cake, sweet potato pie cake and a coconut cake....and everything was moist and a perfect blend of deliciousness.
Although the food and experience was excellent, I had the opportunity to meet and talk to Miss Sue and this was a priceless and blessed experience that I will never forget. If I did not know any better I would have thought she was a regular worker who was busing tables and minding her business.........but no, this is the person who's pictures are on the walls of the restaurant and for sale at the register, not to mention she is the creator of the delicious cakes and some of the menu items. According to Miss Sue , she is the only one that makes the chicken salad and sweet potato pie cake daily. She also told me that she raised 10 kids alone, loves to work and go to church and that God is her source. As she was talking I was praying that at 80 years old God blesses me with a life that I can be proud of, a constant zeal for life, the motivation to live and keep me in my right mind because Miss Sue exemplified all that and some, as well as the respect of everyone in that restaurant, and probably town. Miss Sue is what I call a DIVA in her own right, and she is most deserving of the honor that is displayed in the restaurant that she has created a name for.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Cafe Intermezzo
Back in 2009, I was introduced to a sweet spot in Atlanta called Cafe Intermezzo. On this particular night, I recall leaving a jazz club with a few friends and craving dessert. One of the ladies I was with suggested this spot and mentioned that they stayed open late ( 2AM) and the atmosphere and desserts were great. True to her word, it was a great experience and I always remembered the little restaurant, with the great dessert display and smelled of sugar when you walked in ( that is when you know it is good!).
Strangely enough, on Friday, the scene played out the same when I was out with a few friends. After we enjoyed dinner, music and drinks we wanted to seal the night with dessert. Instantly, I though of and suggested Cafe Intermezzo, the group agreed and off we went. However, this time, my GPS led me to another location downtown that I was not familiar with but to my surprise the experience was the same from the ambiance to the welcoming smell of sugar and then..........the lovely display of cheesecakes and other desserts!!!!!
Instantly, I saw the Oreo cheesecake and as I walked by the counter to go to the restroom it said "hello" and I was sold! Call me crazy but I am a firm believer that some things speak to me ( especially food, shoes, clothes etc..) and it is just meant for me to have, especially when that happens. Needless to say, the waiter over heard my request and ordered my Oreo and a traditional strawberry cheesecake for my friend, which she was eating and moaning at the same time....too funny!
People that know me well will tell you that I looooooooove (really, love) The Cheesecake Factory and that my favorite cheesecake is the sneakers, but the Oreo is a close second. However...........I dare to say that Cafe Intermezzo has some of the best restaurant cheesecake that I have every tasted (even better than Junior's in NYC....sorry but true) and it is so smooth and rich, so much so that I could only eat half.
Thankfully the night and the experience was nice and we had the pleasure of sitting outside and enjoying our davine cheesecake experience. So, the next time you are in ATL or Charlotte, be sure to stop by for a late night snack at Cafe Intermezzo. Ohhhh.....they also have a full restaurant menu that looks pretty good, but as of now I cannot comment on indulgence at a time....gotta try and keep it sexy!!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
"Champagne Life"
Living the "Champagne Life".......I am sure you have heard the song or expression. Personally, I love the song by Neo because it has a great feel/beat to it and it talks about enjoying life to the fullest and just doing the damn thing regardless of what people say. One verse in particular defines a good time as " a nice meal and a good wine" and this is where my inspiration comes from this fine beautiful and relaxing Labor Day weekend.
Thursday night held true to Neo's definition and it helped me remember that its the simple things in life that make me smile and feel good. So, on this night I made ( yes, I cook folks!!) bourbon salmon, red beans and rice, and asparagus. Then to seal the deal, I paired dinner with a glass of Saint'Evasio Moscato D'Asti (2010) and..... OMG.....I was in heaven!!!! Anyone that knows me can agree that I am a very modest person but I had to give myself a high-five for this meal because I had to profess out loud "man this is good".
Meal Details:
In case you were wondering, the salmon was purchased from Publix and the guy at the seafood section did not lie when he said that the bourbon (pre-seasoned) salmon was one of their best sellers. He also said that people get angry when they do not have it and I can honestly see why. The seasoning was perfect and the salmon was fresh, which is a given for Publix. The asparagus was also great because instead of just sauteing it in butter, I added a little orange juice (yes) because it creates a nice caramelized finish, and of course some salt and pepper and.......mmmmmm!! The red beans and rice are pretty easy as well, but it was like that night everything was just great......or was I just hungry? Either way, it was an experience.
Now the wine.......Moscato D'Asti DOCG deserves its own entry but I will include it here because it sealed the meal thanks to its perfect combination of sweet fruit, smooth taste and a little bubble of champagne; and the bottle is very grown and sexy. I know I said the Moscato Bug Juice (See "Fine Wine" entry) was good but this stuff is great!! I remember asking the clerk at the wine store for a suggestion and he suggested the D'Asti and he was right on the money. We will see what other inspirations come to me this weekend by way of cookouts and seafood boils.
Happy Labor Day and happy eating!!!!!!!!!
Thursday night held true to Neo's definition and it helped me remember that its the simple things in life that make me smile and feel good. So, on this night I made ( yes, I cook folks!!) bourbon salmon, red beans and rice, and asparagus. Then to seal the deal, I paired dinner with a glass of Saint'Evasio Moscato D'Asti (2010) and..... OMG.....I was in heaven!!!! Anyone that knows me can agree that I am a very modest person but I had to give myself a high-five for this meal because I had to profess out loud "man this is good".
Meal Details:
In case you were wondering, the salmon was purchased from Publix and the guy at the seafood section did not lie when he said that the bourbon (pre-seasoned) salmon was one of their best sellers. He also said that people get angry when they do not have it and I can honestly see why. The seasoning was perfect and the salmon was fresh, which is a given for Publix. The asparagus was also great because instead of just sauteing it in butter, I added a little orange juice (yes) because it creates a nice caramelized finish, and of course some salt and pepper and.......mmmmmm!! The red beans and rice are pretty easy as well, but it was like that night everything was just great......or was I just hungry? Either way, it was an experience.
Now the wine.......Moscato D'Asti DOCG deserves its own entry but I will include it here because it sealed the meal thanks to its perfect combination of sweet fruit, smooth taste and a little bubble of champagne; and the bottle is very grown and sexy. I know I said the Moscato Bug Juice (See "Fine Wine" entry) was good but this stuff is great!! I remember asking the clerk at the wine store for a suggestion and he suggested the D'Asti and he was right on the money. We will see what other inspirations come to me this weekend by way of cookouts and seafood boils.
Happy Labor Day and happy eating!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Day 4: Repeat Offender!
On my last night in the big city, I decided I wanted to go back ( yes!!) to Founding Farmers and try something different. I will admit, I usually try different places when I go out of town, but when I like something I just stick with it for a minute. Although, I was tempted to get the chicken and waffles again, I looked over the menu and at what the people next to me were dinning on and I decided............
I finally selected the pot roast (pictured above) with veggies and gravy over a bed of mashed potatoes and it was great! The pot roast was so tender that it was falling off the fork and on my shirt. Plus the seasoning was delayed in a sense because it hit my taste buds in waves ( I am so serious!). To add on, the two ladies that I was with selected the beef short ribs and the pork ribs and OMG.....the bones were sliding out the meat because it was so tender and well seasoned. Needless to say, I was more than happy ( again) with my dinning experience at Founding Farmers, and the service was great as usual.
After dinner we walked the mile or so to Yogen Fruz.....mmmmmm! If you have not tried their yogurt please, please, please do so! It is the next best thing to Smoothie King, "The Chick" aka Chick-fil-A, and great wine. What I mean is that it is very consistent and no matter what city I am in , I always experience it as if it was my first time and it is deelish! What makes it so great is that you can have the yogurt with fresh fruit on it or you can do what I do , which is have them mix the fruit in with the yogurt to create your own creation. The best part is, the color of the yogurt depends on your topping and my favorite creation is mango, strawberry and pineapples.....try it and let me know!!
I finally selected the pot roast (pictured above) with veggies and gravy over a bed of mashed potatoes and it was great! The pot roast was so tender that it was falling off the fork and on my shirt. Plus the seasoning was delayed in a sense because it hit my taste buds in waves ( I am so serious!). To add on, the two ladies that I was with selected the beef short ribs and the pork ribs and OMG.....the bones were sliding out the meat because it was so tender and well seasoned. Needless to say, I was more than happy ( again) with my dinning experience at Founding Farmers, and the service was great as usual.
(Beef short ribs)
After dinner we walked the mile or so to Yogen Fruz.....mmmmmm! If you have not tried their yogurt please, please, please do so! It is the next best thing to Smoothie King, "The Chick" aka Chick-fil-A, and great wine. What I mean is that it is very consistent and no matter what city I am in , I always experience it as if it was my first time and it is deelish! What makes it so great is that you can have the yogurt with fresh fruit on it or you can do what I do , which is have them mix the fruit in with the yogurt to create your own creation. The best part is, the color of the yogurt depends on your topping and my favorite creation is mango, strawberry and pineapples.....try it and let me know!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Day 3: A Site to See
As the week winds down, I finally had the opportunity to visit the new MLK memorial. This experience is definitely one for the books and something that can and should be considered "life changing" for several reasons: 1) its not just black history but American history; 2) this is the first national monument in the national mall dedicated to a non-president and African-American ; and 3) the design and concept is amazing, and fitting to who Dr.King was and what he did.
When I entered the historic site, I noticed families from across the country and world, and at that moment I felt proud to know that people are really supportive and interested in this rare monument. It was also awesome to see that the monument depicts a mountain that the statue of Dr. King broke out from, which holds true to the quote on the side that says "out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope". Then as you walk along the back wall there are several quotes from Dr. King's speeches.....just awesome!
Not to get on my "soap box" but this piece of history , as well as the other monuments and DC sites, is something that everyone needs too see at least once in their lifetime. So many people (including yours truly) spend time and money at Disney and other vacation destinations but never take time to visit history. Sadly, this is why we have a generation of children who do not know who they are because they do not know where they came from. As I began to reflect on the the history of DC I realized that I have not made time to see everything but I have seen more than some. I also realized that my job and travels have afforded and blessed me the opportunity to experience more than I could ever imagine and I am still experiencing!
I said all that to say, that we all came from a "mountain" that we might not have ultimately selected for our lives or are proud of but the question is........what are you/have you done to be that "stone" of hope that stands out from the norm?
(Mountain that the statue emerged from is in the background)
(wall of quotes)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Day 2: A Scoop of Grits and an Earthquake now everyone has heard about the DC 5.8 earthquake on Tuesday (8/23/11) at 1:51 pm. This day and time will forever be etched in my life for two reasons : a scoop of crab grits and the earthquake.
In hindsight I realized that I was destined to be in DC to experience the quake, and as a result I realized I have experienced a few acts of nature such as a snowstorm, hurricane, tornado, sandstorm, monsoon and the most recent earthquake. During the mist of the later one, I was in training in a hotel basement ( 3 floors down) thinking "is this really what I think it is" or "is this a low flying plane or a bunch of people running upstairs" ( crazy, I know). Even worse, is this chandelier going to fall. Needless to say I was terrified but grateful that it was not worse.
Thinking back, one of the worst parts was not being able to talk to my mom, but I was able to text ( go AT&T!!!) to let people know I was alright ( thanks for the concern folks!!). An hour later things calmed down , the phone lines cleared up and all was well with the world (at least mine). However, as I reflect I realize that tomorrow or the next moment is not promised and we must enjoy today as if it is our last, and I'm proud to say that for the most part I do!!!
On a lighter note, I had the opportunity to dine at BusBoys and Poets, which at best can be described as eclectic because of the food, bookstore, gift shop and open mic events they host. As usual I read the reviews and checked out the menu for my dinner adventure. After browsing the menu I decided on the crab cakes, crab grits (yes!!) and veggies. Now.....if you are like me, I prefer to have an even portion of grits to meat (I'm just saying...). Instead, when my plate arrived I had 2 crab cakes and a scoop of grits ...and my face and I said "WTH!!!"..... and I was not a happy camper ( yes, I was too upset and distracted to take a picture, sorry).
Finally, I expressed my displeasure to the waitress and she explained another scoop was extra ($5.95) and I explained to her that I wanted plain grits (no crab) and she said they only made them during the week with crab (again, WTH!!). Finally, I decided to let go of what I could not change, order a salad and enjoy my meal. Overall, the crab cakes and grits were excellent, just know to order an appetizer and/or salad first :). I will say by the time I walked the mile back to my hotel, I was hungry.
.....and there you have the tale of "a scoop of grits and an earthquake".
In hindsight I realized that I was destined to be in DC to experience the quake, and as a result I realized I have experienced a few acts of nature such as a snowstorm, hurricane, tornado, sandstorm, monsoon and the most recent earthquake. During the mist of the later one, I was in training in a hotel basement ( 3 floors down) thinking "is this really what I think it is" or "is this a low flying plane or a bunch of people running upstairs" ( crazy, I know). Even worse, is this chandelier going to fall. Needless to say I was terrified but grateful that it was not worse.
Thinking back, one of the worst parts was not being able to talk to my mom, but I was able to text ( go AT&T!!!) to let people know I was alright ( thanks for the concern folks!!). An hour later things calmed down , the phone lines cleared up and all was well with the world (at least mine). However, as I reflect I realize that tomorrow or the next moment is not promised and we must enjoy today as if it is our last, and I'm proud to say that for the most part I do!!!
( Hotel evacuation after the earthquake)
On a lighter note, I had the opportunity to dine at BusBoys and Poets, which at best can be described as eclectic because of the food, bookstore, gift shop and open mic events they host. As usual I read the reviews and checked out the menu for my dinner adventure. After browsing the menu I decided on the crab cakes, crab grits (yes!!) and veggies. Now.....if you are like me, I prefer to have an even portion of grits to meat (I'm just saying...). Instead, when my plate arrived I had 2 crab cakes and a scoop of grits ...and my face and I said "WTH!!!"..... and I was not a happy camper ( yes, I was too upset and distracted to take a picture, sorry).
Finally, I expressed my displeasure to the waitress and she explained another scoop was extra ($5.95) and I explained to her that I wanted plain grits (no crab) and she said they only made them during the week with crab (again, WTH!!). Finally, I decided to let go of what I could not change, order a salad and enjoy my meal. Overall, the crab cakes and grits were excellent, just know to order an appetizer and/or salad first :). I will say by the time I walked the mile back to my hotel, I was hungry.
.....and there you have the tale of "a scoop of grits and an earthquake".
( picture)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Day 1: The Verdict
Greetings!! Did you miss me???!! Well I missed you! As I mentioned, last week I had the pleasure of traveling to the great city of Washington, DC. During the week I had a few experiences that will be broken up in several blogs. This entry can be considered "Day 1" and the others will follow in that order.
On Monday, I had the pleasure of dinning at Founding Farmers restaurant, which is an upscale farm to table kind of place. With that said, everything ( and I mean everything) is made from scratch and the difference is very noticeable and worth the wait, experience and price. Other than the rude host, the food and service was excellent.
My dinner selection consisted of chicken, waffles , mac and cheese, asparagus and homemade lemonade....deelish! Even the ketchup was made from scratch, and it was good. While waiting on my food, like most people, I like looking around to see what other people are ordering so I can get ideas for next time.... and to my surprise, everything looked great! The best part after dinner was I did not feel "nasty" and full after I ate, which was a good thing because my group and I walked about 2 miles to Georgetown to partake in the infamous "DC" or Georgetown Cupcake.
If you are a TLC fan, you have seen the show and the loooooong line to get one. So at 8:45pm (they close at 9:00pm), we dared to stand in line to sample what some call the best cupcake in town. Of course I instantly thought about Cami Cakes! Once I got in the door I placed an order for red velvet and a chocolate coconut. Now, I will say the coconut was different but pretty good and very moist. The red velvet was good as well.....but head for head Cami Cakes has a better red velvet and overall technique to cooking their cupcake. However, I dare to say by the never ending line of people ( including tourist from all over) that DC Cupcakes could be one of the best in DC.... But as you know my heart and appetite has been stolen by the one and only....Cami Cakes!!!! The hunt continues.....

On Monday, I had the pleasure of dinning at Founding Farmers restaurant, which is an upscale farm to table kind of place. With that said, everything ( and I mean everything) is made from scratch and the difference is very noticeable and worth the wait, experience and price. Other than the rude host, the food and service was excellent.
(Picture from
My dinner selection consisted of chicken, waffles , mac and cheese, asparagus and homemade lemonade....deelish! Even the ketchup was made from scratch, and it was good. While waiting on my food, like most people, I like looking around to see what other people are ordering so I can get ideas for next time.... and to my surprise, everything looked great! The best part after dinner was I did not feel "nasty" and full after I ate, which was a good thing because my group and I walked about 2 miles to Georgetown to partake in the infamous "DC" or Georgetown Cupcake.
If you are a TLC fan, you have seen the show and the loooooong line to get one. So at 8:45pm (they close at 9:00pm), we dared to stand in line to sample what some call the best cupcake in town. Of course I instantly thought about Cami Cakes! Once I got in the door I placed an order for red velvet and a chocolate coconut. Now, I will say the coconut was different but pretty good and very moist. The red velvet was good as well.....but head for head Cami Cakes has a better red velvet and overall technique to cooking their cupcake. However, I dare to say by the never ending line of people ( including tourist from all over) that DC Cupcakes could be one of the best in DC.... But as you know my heart and appetite has been stolen by the one and only....Cami Cakes!!!! The hunt continues.....

Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Capital
Greetings fanz! I have not abandoned you! I am currently on travel in our nation's capital and have compiled a week of posts that I am sure will "change your life" least they did mine :). Anywho,I hope everyone is doing well and that something has changed your life since we last spoke!
If not, just wait for it.....!
If not, just wait for it.....!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
For some, Miami is known for some of the best Cuban and seafood around. However, most people tend to look over the mom-and-pop restaurants that are not associated with one of the above cuisines. One in particular is a restaurant called A&W or " The Root Beer Place" ( across from Miami-Dade College/University) where I think they have the most delicious cheesesteak sandwiches and breakfast. Although, I have not had a "true" cheesesteak from Philly, A&W is what I imagine to be close.....until I had the next closest tasting at Weeyums Philly Style, in Stone Mountain, GA.
Before making the (long) journey I called to see what time they close and to my surprise (and frustration) I was left on hold several times due to what I concluded was because of call in orders ( now I know they close at 11pm). After several failed attempts to get an answer, I just went. Upon arriving, I noticed Weeyums would be considered by some as a "hole in the wall", which is usually the location of great eating, naturally I was excited. I also noticed there was no place to sit and eat!!
After conducting my initial assessment, I walked in and was greeted by the smell of steak....mmmmmm, and a native of Philly. I finally placed my order for a philly with only cheese and mayo (straight to the point) on white bread, which was all they had and I later learned the bread is imported from Philly...impressive. After I received my order , I ended up sitting outside on a bench to partake in my cheesesteak and root beer experience, and it was great! Everything from the bread. to the perfect amount of seasoning, down to the root beer was perfect! Normally, I only eat half but I did not want to leave anything behind to take the chance of having to reheat it....ewww! Unlike pasta, this was a dish that would not get better the second time around. So there it is....who would have thunk it in Georgia!
In the event that you are in Stone Mountain, GA and have a taste for a cheesesteak sandwich, be sure to stop by Weeyums. You can thank me later :-).
Before making the (long) journey I called to see what time they close and to my surprise (and frustration) I was left on hold several times due to what I concluded was because of call in orders ( now I know they close at 11pm). After several failed attempts to get an answer, I just went. Upon arriving, I noticed Weeyums would be considered by some as a "hole in the wall", which is usually the location of great eating, naturally I was excited. I also noticed there was no place to sit and eat!!
In the event that you are in Stone Mountain, GA and have a taste for a cheesesteak sandwich, be sure to stop by Weeyums. You can thank me later :-).
Friday, July 29, 2011
Good or Bad?
This past weekend a friend and I ventured to one of my favorite places .....Cami Cakes Cupcakes!! As usual I went for the red velvet (which I crave and am in love with) and my second favorite , the strawberries and cream.... Yum! Then I decide to walk on the wild side and try a carrot cupcake. Needless to say, I walked out with four in total ( 2 red velvet).
Once I arrived home, I decided to save the carrot for last, which was my effort to build anticipation and pace myself. However, the anticipation got the best of me, I indulged! First by tasting the icing, which was pretty good then the cake which was good as well, but .... I started to compare it to my first love (red velvet) and it did not stand up.
So I asked myself, was this fair? Probably not, but I started to think about what I said in my first post " once you experience better it is hard to settle for something less because you will always compare the two" if you can. After considering this for a moment, I started to think that if experiencing something so great or life altering was a good or bad thing, because it can unknowingly rob you of enjoying something that could be enjoyable if you gave it a fair (key word) chance. What do you think?
Next time you are in the ATL or Jacksonville, check out:
Once I arrived home, I decided to save the carrot for last, which was my effort to build anticipation and pace myself. However, the anticipation got the best of me, I indulged! First by tasting the icing, which was pretty good then the cake which was good as well, but .... I started to compare it to my first love (red velvet) and it did not stand up.
So I asked myself, was this fair? Probably not, but I started to think about what I said in my first post " once you experience better it is hard to settle for something less because you will always compare the two" if you can. After considering this for a moment, I started to think that if experiencing something so great or life altering was a good or bad thing, because it can unknowingly rob you of enjoying something that could be enjoyable if you gave it a fair (key word) chance. What do you think?
Next time you are in the ATL or Jacksonville, check out:
Monday, July 18, 2011
Follow-up ~ Fine Wine
(Picture by
Hellooooo (echo voice) there! I hope everyone is doing well. Again, work has had me MIA, but what can you do? Although I have been missing I have not been short on experiences, just time. So, lets get to it!!! This past weekend a friend recommened my first (great) red wine experience and it was suprisingly delicious.
The red wine that I dare to share is Apothic Red.....mmmmmmm. At first I will admit that I was aprehensive and concerned that my face would tell the truth (if it was too bitter) before I could, but to my suprise it was a pleasant discovery. The taste was sweeter than I have ever tasted with a red wine but it still had a subtle taste of dryness, which was not too bad. Therefore, I am excited to share the experience and to happily proclaim that I have graduated (a little) to grown folks wine :).
More to come this weekend as I will be venturing out to try new wines at The Colors of Wine, in Atlanta !! I am sure after this venture I will have plenty to write about; however, I encourage you to continue to send me your suggestions.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Fine Wine
Greetings! I truly hope that everyone is having a fantabolous 4th of July weekend! As you prepare to indulge (or if you already have) in the traditional 4th of July cookout, think of me as you do. I had my portion of cookouts on Saturday, and it was good! Needless to say I also had my share of ribs, chicken and peach cobbler to last me for a minute.
Also this weekend, I had a wine experience that is worth sharing, and I know my (white) wine
drinkers will appreciate this. The wine of mention is ....Bug Juice Moscato (2010) and boy is it good! For me, a good white wine is sweet and tastes of apples, peaches, grapes etc.. Furthermore, the smell of it creates a sweet and floral aroma in the glass. Then there is the taste, which can only be described as perfection, because it is soft, sweet and smooth; and dares to leave you with a memorable experience.....and this was that!
I will be the first to admit that I am still a "baby" when it comes to fine wine, but thankfully I have experienced wine drinkers that love wine and are willing to share their good finds. Now I will also admit that I am not a fan (yet) of reds but I am always open to trying new things ( if it is not bitter...eeewww). So, if you have any suggestions on great reds or whites please share!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Grettings once more. I am happy to report that I will be eastbound shortly; and as happy as I am to get back to what is familiar, I begin to silently think of my experiences and encounters this week. This week's conference and mini vacation came as another opportunity to see something different but ended up being something needed and beyond my expectations. I am sure you can relate, and if you can, you will know these are the moments/opportunities that you were meant, even destined, to experience.
For example, the insightful conversations that I shared with a newly found mentor about life, my career and desire to do and be more than what I currently am. During the moments between lunch and dinner we talked, shared, and enjoyed the much needed break from reality. Next there was the "unicorn" that I met that was an inspiration and encouragement from "hello". For those that are not familiar with unicorns, these are the mythical creatures that you have heard about or even saw pictures of but often wondered if they existed, until you see one for yourself and then you are in awe, in this case that rare person, place or thing. Many single women and men can identify when you meet a person of the other sex 25 or older with no kids and never married, lol! Well, this was me when I saw a high ranking female (young and black)in my organization and the moment quickly became empowering and hopeful.
Lastly, there was the overall conference experience and the opportunity to experience something that was well attened and organized, from the workshops to evening events, just awesome!
So, as I prepare to board the plane to travel home, I put Long Beach,CA on my list of places to visit again and wait until the next adventure and time to meet and share.
For example, the insightful conversations that I shared with a newly found mentor about life, my career and desire to do and be more than what I currently am. During the moments between lunch and dinner we talked, shared, and enjoyed the much needed break from reality. Next there was the "unicorn" that I met that was an inspiration and encouragement from "hello". For those that are not familiar with unicorns, these are the mythical creatures that you have heard about or even saw pictures of but often wondered if they existed, until you see one for yourself and then you are in awe, in this case that rare person, place or thing. Many single women and men can identify when you meet a person of the other sex 25 or older with no kids and never married, lol! Well, this was me when I saw a high ranking female (young and black)in my organization and the moment quickly became empowering and hopeful.
Lastly, there was the overall conference experience and the opportunity to experience something that was well attened and organized, from the workshops to evening events, just awesome!
So, as I prepare to board the plane to travel home, I put Long Beach,CA on my list of places to visit again and wait until the next adventure and time to meet and share.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Greetings from the LBC, where the weather is perfect and the atmosphere is relaxed and tropical. This week I am reporting from a women's leadership conference, which is where my inspiration hales from this evening.
As I mentioned in the first post I intend for this blog to be a place to share my experiences that I think are "life changing" and thus are deemed worth sharing. The first of which was a banana nut muffin that I had at the Hilton Hotel that was by far the best muffin that I recall having, and the experience was like a "party in your mouth"! Reading this you may say "seriously, a muffin?" and I say yes! The two people that I had try it agreeded and even went back for their own! Needless to say, I will be eating muffins until Friday, lol!
Moving on to my true reason for writing tonight, which happens to be one of the best seminars/presentations that I have attended thus far. The speaker was Janine Driver , motivational speaker and author of "You Say More Than You Think", and she was phenomenal! Janine's presentation was focused on identifying and improving body language but by the end of the seminar you were more inspired than anything. What made this 3hr (with no breaks) presentation "life changing" was her art of presenting. Not only was she engaging, creative, energetic, humorus and knowledgable,she was also real. Real in a sense that she shared intimate details of her life and experiences that we all could identify with in one way
or another. Experiences that we have encountered during our life journey such as a child with special needs, being a female in the work place, family drama or being faced with the reality of a loved one having cancer. If I do not remember anything else from Janine's presentation I will take the three most important things with me that made all the difference and they are:
1) Live to influence someone's life so that if they wrote a book they would put your name in it, rather than you being a name that is not worth mentioning.
2)You can change you/your life by changing the things around you and how you view certain situatons.
3)Know what your intentions are in life.
So, I ask you, what are those things you need to change?What are your intentions?
Until next time....
As I mentioned in the first post I intend for this blog to be a place to share my experiences that I think are "life changing" and thus are deemed worth sharing. The first of which was a banana nut muffin that I had at the Hilton Hotel that was by far the best muffin that I recall having, and the experience was like a "party in your mouth"! Reading this you may say "seriously, a muffin?" and I say yes! The two people that I had try it agreeded and even went back for their own! Needless to say, I will be eating muffins until Friday, lol!
Moving on to my true reason for writing tonight, which happens to be one of the best seminars/presentations that I have attended thus far. The speaker was Janine Driver , motivational speaker and author of "You Say More Than You Think", and she was phenomenal! Janine's presentation was focused on identifying and improving body language but by the end of the seminar you were more inspired than anything. What made this 3hr (with no breaks) presentation "life changing" was her art of presenting. Not only was she engaging, creative, energetic, humorus and knowledgable,she was also real. Real in a sense that she shared intimate details of her life and experiences that we all could identify with in one way
or another. Experiences that we have encountered during our life journey such as a child with special needs, being a female in the work place, family drama or being faced with the reality of a loved one having cancer. If I do not remember anything else from Janine's presentation I will take the three most important things with me that made all the difference and they are:
1) Live to influence someone's life so that if they wrote a book they would put your name in it, rather than you being a name that is not worth mentioning.
2)You can change you/your life by changing the things around you and how you view certain situatons.
3)Know what your intentions are in life.
So, I ask you, what are those things you need to change?What are your intentions?
Until next time....
Sunday, June 19, 2011
On The Road !
Good evening all, as you can see ( if you are a follower) I have been MIA for a few days, partially due to work and the other part due to me thinking about what to say next. I am pleased to say that so far the blog is catching on and as a result, over the past week, I have had conversations with people that have read my blog and so far the feedback has been great! Some of the conversations have provided me with suggestions for future restaurants to experience, such as "Rosebuds" in Atlanta and the infamous " food trucks" in Miami ( I am not sure what this entails yet), which I am very interested in trying. When my friend mentioned the food trucks, I automatically thought about the infamous "Turkey Wing Man" in Miami ( mmmmm).
If you are from Miami, and was around say in 1999-2004, there was a man with a truck located on 22nd Ave and 79th St. I honestly forgot the man's real name but I dubbed him the " Turkey Wing Man" because he had the most amazing fried turkey wings and nuggets that were always seasoned just right. Then to add, he had a secret sauce that you could put on the wings and ......boy was it good! Unfortunately, over the years he moved to various locations and I eventually lost track of him, but just thinking about it makes my mouth water.....memories.
Moving on to this of tomorrow I will be taking my search for great food and other experiences on the road to the LBC ( Long Beach, CA) for a week ! As many of you know, I love to travel and I am always excited to visit different parts of the country/world. So, this should be fun!
See you on the other side!
If you are from Miami, and was around say in 1999-2004, there was a man with a truck located on 22nd Ave and 79th St. I honestly forgot the man's real name but I dubbed him the " Turkey Wing Man" because he had the most amazing fried turkey wings and nuggets that were always seasoned just right. Then to add, he had a secret sauce that you could put on the wings and ......boy was it good! Unfortunately, over the years he moved to various locations and I eventually lost track of him, but just thinking about it makes my mouth water.....memories.
Moving on to this of tomorrow I will be taking my search for great food and other experiences on the road to the LBC ( Long Beach, CA) for a week ! As many of you know, I love to travel and I am always excited to visit different parts of the country/world. So, this should be fun!
See you on the other side!
Friday, June 10, 2011
To those that decide to indulge in my new adventure you may begin to ponder..."what meets Baby D's criteria for life changing?". Well, I'm glad you asked....... the term simply means an experience that changes your life and the way you view a person, place or thing -in this case food. I recall my pastor mentioning in church that once you have a life changing experience you can never go back to things that are mediocre or ordinary, and I agree. He went on to say that you must experience better to want better, and I can say in certain areas of my life I have/am doing just that. Are you?
For example, in Atlanta there is a place called "Cami Cakes Cupcakes" and ever since I had my first red velvet cup cake I have never looked at cupcakes the same way again. Furthermore, these are the only cupcakes I desire and at $2.50 a pop, they are not for the faint at heart. Another recent, but great example, was the lightly seared and golden tilapia placed over a bed of white rice surrounded by lemon sauce at Divan's in Atlanta....omg! Honestly, this was the best fish experience I have had to date, and being from Miami I know good fish, but boy I did not want that experience to end. Not to mention I talk about it as if it was yesterday.
I am sure as you are reading you are recalling some great dishes that you have experienced. I am also sure the next time you dine you will be thinking " could this possibly change my life?" and for the sake of your tastebuds, I sure hope so!
Before I forget, please be sure to add your email address (on the right) to be a follower.
Thanks for your support!
For example, in Atlanta there is a place called "Cami Cakes Cupcakes" and ever since I had my first red velvet cup cake I have never looked at cupcakes the same way again. Furthermore, these are the only cupcakes I desire and at $2.50 a pop, they are not for the faint at heart. Another recent, but great example, was the lightly seared and golden tilapia placed over a bed of white rice surrounded by lemon sauce at Divan's in Atlanta....omg! Honestly, this was the best fish experience I have had to date, and being from Miami I know good fish, but boy I did not want that experience to end. Not to mention I talk about it as if it was yesterday.
I am sure as you are reading you are recalling some great dishes that you have experienced. I am also sure the next time you dine you will be thinking " could this possibly change my life?" and for the sake of your tastebuds, I sure hope so!
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Thursday, June 9, 2011
A Long Time Coming....
So....I have been telling people for the longest that I was going to start a foodie blog, and to my suprise friends and family agreed because of my love of "life changing" food. My love for food began while living in Arizona and greatly evolved during my transition to Atlanta, and since that time I have became known by some as "Baby D".
If you are a "Next Friday" fan you will know that Baby D was "the little sister that was bigger than the big sister" and she was known for knowing when all the new snacks came out (lol!), well that is me (the snacks part) in a nutshell. I am proud to say that among other things food and shoes are my passion and I love to share my "life changing" experiences/finds with friends, and now the world , so "get ready, get ready, get ready!!!" .
I promise to not disappoint.
If you are a "Next Friday" fan you will know that Baby D was "the little sister that was bigger than the big sister" and she was known for knowing when all the new snacks came out (lol!), well that is me (the snacks part) in a nutshell. I am proud to say that among other things food and shoes are my passion and I love to share my "life changing" experiences/finds with friends, and now the world , so "get ready, get ready, get ready!!!" .
I promise to not disappoint.
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